Epafroditus George

Web Developer

Epafroditus George Clement Djaja

Information Technology
Web Developer
Jawa Tengah, Semarang

About Me

My Background
I am a university student in my Sophomore Year. Web development really excited me, especially for Backend development. I use Laravel a lot for my project for the backend but I know Django and still learning Codeigniter for the Frontend I usually use Vue JS. I do other programs for Data Analysis, Machine Learning, OOP, some games, and Algorithm problems. Programming Language that I mainly use is Python and for the other, PHP, C#, Java, JavaScript, SQL. I can work with the team and always try my best to motivate and achieve my goals. I am a student and I haven't graduated yet but my Cumulative GPA until now is 3.87 and 4 GPA for Web Programming Course.


HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Vue JS, React JS, Blade
PHP, Laravel
MySQL, Database, MongoDB
Python, Django
Algorithms, Problem Solving
C#, Java and .NET


  • Google IT Support (Paid)
  • Finalist National Young Inventor Award (NYIA)
  • Event in High School as IT
  • Other Coursera Sertificate


Projects code in Github
  • This is the latest project that I created for my university assignment basically commerce that sells services. This uses Laravel 8.0, Vue JS, Blade, jQuery, AJAX for autocomplete, and MySQL basically the more advanced version of my previous project E-Commerce. There is a rating system, display review, chat with the seller, ask about the product, online payment.
  • This project is basically an Instagram clone. This uses Laravel 8.0, Vue JS, Blade, jQuery for select user search, Axios a lot for live request, and MySQL. The chat is live and integrated with the pusher in this case for live notification with event manager for each message and like with double click and comment is live.
  • This uses Laravel 8.0, Blade File, MySQL. It can Register, Log In Check Products, Create Toko, Create a product, Add a product to cart, Order Products, Search query, Check order lists.
  • This uses Laravel 8.0, Inertia JS, Full Vue JS, and MySQL for the database. Admin program that can add any user to the database, for each user can add reminder and in the home, screen admin can see their reminder today that need to be done for each user and can create or modify package and auto email each admin for their reminders today with the event handler.
  • This project is using python for creating the algorithm a simple data analysis project. There is 2 function, the first one counts the momentum of stocks that is based on 1-year price return until 1-month price return for the data I take from LQ45 Stocks. The second project is for value investing by taking PE, PB, PS, Enterprise Value divided by Earnings before taxes, depreciation, and amortization, EV/Gross Profit Ratio then count the most undervalued stocks I use S&P500 data that is free.
  • These other projects inside my repositories contain a simple to-do list android application with Kotlin, a simple machine learning program using TensorFlow in python, some answer to algorithm question with python, my final project on the final exam WebProg, Traditional Pong games, Snakes games with python, and other Laravel Projects.